Sunday, July 20, 2008

(1 week ago)

So my dad asked me today if there was anything constructive I could gain out of playing DotA competitively. All that politically correct bullshit about cultivating teamwork sort of gets thrown out the window when you have been playing competitively for about 3 years or so. You don't exactly become a better person from "cultivating teamwork" in DotA after 3 years of playing. There are some things I have learnt about game development (BELIEVE IT OR NOT) from being in the competitive scene, but the amount you learn sort of tapers out when you've been in it for 3 years.

All I can tell him is that "you meet and work with a lot of people you otherwise won't meet".


I wanted to talk about last week's competition, but DotaSG seems to have done pretty good coverage, and it was really not very exciting. Most of the fun was from it being the first victory I've had in a LONG time (because, well, I haven't had any competitions for a long time).

There's a certain amount of anticipation that comes into my first DotA game of every weekend. Often while the week passes, and my mind strays, I get one of those "OOOOH" moments where I suddenly feel like using a certain hero, only unlike normal, I have a LONG LONG time before I can actually try it out.

It's about the same with a post here. This post has been idling for an entire week, and I sort of had an entire essay planned out the previous week, but I forgot about it, and had different stuff sort of pop up in my mind throughout the passing of the week, but it all vanishes at this point.

And now I have to book in again.

Perhaps next week I'll do a post on SATURDAY so I have time to have enough thinking to write something substantial. The moral of the story is that it's always better to do something immediately when you think of it. Somehow it feels very wasted to know that I had thought of so much stuff but can't remember it anymore when the time comes to pen it down.

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